World Coins Catalog
As a coin collector, it is essential to have access to reliable information about world coin values. This comprehensive catalogue provides all the information you need, including images and descriptions of various coins from around the world. The image gallery features clear and detailed images of each coin, helping you to identify and evaluate them.
Country coins list
- Afghanistan 71
- Albania 113
- Alderney 9
- Algeria 65
- American Samoa 13
- Andaman & Nicobar 12
- Andorra 149
- Angola 53
- Anguilla 43
- Antigua and Barbuda 28
- Argentina 198
- Argentina-Provinces 24
- Armenia 58
- Aruba 35
- Australia 372
- Austria 233
- Azerbaijan 30
- Azores 35
- Bahamas 56
- Bahrain 52
- Bangladesh 49
- Barbados 30
- Belarus 59
- Belgian Congo 22
- Belgium 246
- Belize 16
- Benin 43
- Bermuda 39
- Bhutan 50
- Biafra 12
- Bohemia 6
- Bohemia & Moravia 4
- Bolivia 109
- Bosnia Herzegovina 16
- Botswana 48
- Brazil 253
- Bremen 0
- British East Africa 47
- British Honduras 33
- British India 65
- British West Africa 45
- Brunei 50
- Bulgaria 157
- Burkina Faso 71
- Burundi 34
- Cambodia 64
- Cameroon 73
- Canada 513
- Cape Verde 52
- Central African Republic 23
- Central African States 17
- Ceylan 56
- Chad 27
- Chile 144
- China-Empire 12
- China-Peoples Republic 166
- China-Provinces 31
- China-Puppet states 28
- China-Soviet Republic 0
- Christmas Island 0
- Cocos (Keeling) Islands 7
- Colombia 193
- Comoros 27
- Congo-Free State 12
- Congo-Rep. Democratic 30
- Congo-Republic 12
- Congo-Ruanda Urundi 4
- Cook Islands 64
- Costa Rica 156
- Crete 9
- Croatia 126
- Cuba 216
- Curaçao 28
- Cyprus 99
- Czech Republic 39
- Czechoslovakia 72
- Danzing 23
- Darfur 7
- Denmark 177
- Djibouti 48
- Dominica 46
- Dominican Republic 112
- Eastern Caribbean States 81
- Ecuador 123
- Egypt 286
- El Salvador 57
- Equatorial African States 9
- Equatorial Guinea 32
- Eritrea 48
- Estonia 102
- Eswatini 58
- Ethiopia 48
- Falkland Islands 51
- Fiji 73
- Finland 162
- France 586
- France overseas 34
- French Equatorial Africa 12
- French India 41
- French Indochina 51
- French Oceania 4
- French Polynesia 18
- French Somalia 9
- French West Africa 9
- Gabon 20
- Gambia 48
- Georgia 17
- German East Africa 19
- German New Guinea 9
- Germany 275
- Germany-Democratic Republic 97
- Germany-Empire 23
- Germany-III Reich 26
- Germany-Notgeld 109
- Germany-Rep. Weimar 25
- Germany-States 280
- Ghana 60
- Gibraltar 189
- Gough Island 8
- Greece 162
- Greenland 9
- Grenada 35
- Guam 0
- Guatemala 126
- Guernsey 124
- Guinea 15
- Guinea-Bissau 39
- Guyana 35
- Haiti 84
- Honduras 68
- Hong Kong 62
- Hungary 206
- Hutt River 4
- Iceland 57
- India 300
- India-Princely States 262
- Indonesia 59
- Iran 95
- Iraq 38
- Ireland 72
- Isla de Pascua 11
- Islas Caimán 38
- Isle of Man 195
- Israel 98
- Italy 260
- Italy-States 115
- Ivory Coast 5
- Jamaica 136
- Japan 292
- Jersey 114
- Jordan 61
- Katanga 3
- Kazakhstan 163
- Kenya 37
- Kiribati 72
- Kuwait 66
- Kyrgyzstan 14
- Laos 41
- Latvia 64
- Lebanon 45
- Lesotho 22
- Liberia 55
- Libya 38
- Liechtenstein 9
- Lithuania 144
- Lundy 11
- Luxembourg 114
- Macao 55
- Madagascar 40
- Madeira 9
- Malawi 39
- Malaya 12
- Malaya & British Borneo 17
- Malaysia 41
- Maldives 32
- Mali 19
- Malta 91
- Mariana Islands 43
- Marshall Islands 31
- Martinica 22
- Mauritania 22
- Mauritius 42
- Mexico 582
- Mexico-Provinces 17
- Micronesia 13
- Moldova 28
- Molossia 10
- Monaco 81
- Mongolia 33
- Montenegro 20
- Morocco 110
- Mozambique 70
- Muscat & Oman 23
- Myanmar 31
- Nagorno Karabaj 17
- Namibia 30
- Nauru 5
- Nepal 98
- Netherlands 196
- Netherlands Antilles 54
- Netherlands East Indies 14
- New Caledonia 24
- New Guinea 11
- New Hebrides 12
- New Zealand 97
- Newfoundland 22
- Nicaragua 92
- Niger 6
- Nigeria 24
- Niue 66
- Norfolk Island 0
- North Korea 133
- North Macedonia 26
- Northern Borneo 6
- Norway 91
- Oman 37
- Otoman Empire 25
- Pakistan 77
- Palau 23
- Palestine 10
- Panama 112
- Papua New Guinea 45
- Paraguay 86
- Peru 329
- Philippines 114
- Pitcairn Islands 11
- Poland 453
- Portugal 434
- Portuguese India 28
- Puerto Rico 10
- Qatar 66
- Qatar & Dubai 5
- Rep. Central America 30
- Reunion 18
- Rhodesia 16
- Rhodesia & Nyasaland 12
- Romania 177
- Russia 426
- Russia-Empire 101
- Rwanda 31
- Saarland 4
- Sahara 35
- Saint Helena 11
- Saint Helena and Ascencion 33
- Saint Kitts and Nevis 32
- Saint Lucia 36
- Saint Pierre et Miquelon 2
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 38
- Samoa 64
- San Marino 304
- São Tomé and Príncipe 44
- Sarawak 24
- Saudi Arabia 50
- Scotland 1
- Senegal 27
- Serbia 41
- Seychelles 77
- Sierra Leone 27
- Singapore 62
- Slovakia 75
- Slovenia 82
- Solomon Islands 87
- Somalia 57
- Somaliland 47
- South Africa 298
- South Arabia 4
- South Korea 27
- South Rhodesia 43
- South Sudan 5
- South Vietnam 21
- Spain 1111
- Spain-Civil War 47
- Spitsbergen 9
- Sri Lanka 95
- Stoltenhoff Island 8
- Straits Settlements 47
- Sudán 55
- Sumatra 1
- Suriname 26
- Sweden 99
- Swiss cantons 387
- Switzerland 106
- Syria 66
- Taiwan 48
- Tajikistan 64
- Tanzania 22
- Thailand 283
- Tibet 36
- Timor Portuguese 17
- Timor-Leste 8
- Togo 23
- Tokelau 21
- Tonga 35
- Transnistria 183
- Trinidad and Tobago 29
- Tristan da Cunha 26
- Tunisia 72
- Turkey 221
- Turkmenistan 16
- Turks and Caicos Islands 35
- Tuvalu 17
- Uganda 45
- Ukraine 171
- United Arab Emirates 46
- United Kingdom 676
- United States 368
- URSS 165
- Uruguay 136
- Uzbekistan 33
- Vanuatu 23
- Vatican 359
- Vaticano States Papals 26
- Venezuela 115
- Vietnam 26
- Vietnam-Empire 15
- Virgin Islands 14
- Western African States 23
- Yemen 34
- Yemen North 2
- Yemen South 0
- Yugoslavia 115
- Zaire 24
- Zambia 33
- Zanzibar 10
- Zimbabwe 32
Considerations for Determining the Value of Coins
Here are some factors to consider when determining the value of a coin collectible:
- Condition: The condition of a old coin is a critical factor in determining its value. Coins in excellent condition are generally worth more than those with signs of wear and tear.
- Rarity: Rare coins are naturally more valuable than common ones. The rarity of a coin is determined by its mintage, the number of coins produced in a particular year.
- Age: Coins that are older, especially those that date back to ancient times, are usually more valuable.
- Historical significance: Coins that have a significant historical significance or were produced during a particular event or era can be worth more.
- Demand: The demand for a particular coin can impact its value. Coins that are in high demand among collectors are often more valuable.
- Mint error: Coins with mint errors, such as double-struck coins or those with misprints, can be worth more than normal coins.
- Grading: The process of grading a coin by a professional coin grading service can provide an accurate evaluation of its condition and value.
- Market trends: Like any other market, the coin collectibles market can be influenced by various economic and political factors. It is essential to stay informed about current market trends to accurately determine the value of a coin.